clinical nutritionist | holistic health coach


Your Plate

The best and most elevated diet is one that works for you and with you, not against you. Eating mindfully is about listening to your body and what it needs. Creating a relaxed setting for your plate is the first step to elevating it. Eating without distractions (cue phones, computers, TV, watches) and allowing each meal to be consumed at a natural pace, not rushed. This is when you’ll have time to allow your body to tell you what you’re craving, what it needs, and when you’re full.

Instead of counting calories or measuring macros, we can instill Mindfulness Eating into your life and by appreciating the experience of eating what is on your plate we can create behavior change around mealtime. Whether you’re eating a protein bar in the afternoon or a delicious homemade meal, using a mindfulness approach will allow you to truly appreciate what you put on your plate.

Prioritize Sleep

I am sure you’ve heard by now how important sleep is.  Studies are continually showing the impact poor sleep quality has on a wide array of chronic diseases – obesity, type two diabetes, impaired immune functioning, and dementia to name a few.  While you may not “have time”, the research is clear that we can no longer afford to ignore the importance of sleep for our well-being.  Sleep even plays a role in appetite regulation – which may be the reason lack of sleep contributes to weight gain. Even if your head hits the pillow at 9PM, your running to-do list might be what keeps you from getting enough quality sleep.  The 3-2-1 method can be the first step to elevating your sleep: stop eating 3 hours before bed, stop drinking 2 hours before bed, and stop electronics 1 hour before bed (or at minimum, use blue light locking glasses).  Working together we can create an achievable sleep hygiene routine which will translate into a better night’s sleep, increasing your health span.


Water is essential for life.  Properly hydrating throughout the day is important for health in many ways such as:

  • Physical performance: Even with mild dehydration, physical performance can be negatively impacted by reducing motivation and increasing perceived effort. 
  • Cognitive performance: Mild dehydration levels can elicit changes in both mood and cognitive functioning. Not properly hydrating can impair concentration, alertness, and short-term memory.
  • GI function: Dehydration is the most common reason for constipation and increasing water intake often leads to more easily passed bowel movements.
  • Heart Function: Decreases in blood volume can occur in many ways, one of them being through sweat, such as exercise or sauna. Blood volume is tightly regulated and matches water intake and water output, which is important for regulating blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Kidney Function: Kidneys are essential for regulating water balance and blood pressure in the body as well as removing waste. Water is required in order for the kidneys to filter out waste from the blood and excrete from the body via urine.

Sweat Often

Whether it’s through exercise or sauna, the health benefits of sweating are plentiful.  Sweating promotes homeostasis (aka balance) by clearing excessive micronutrients and toxins from the body.  Failure to clear waste products can cause them to accumulate in organs which then causes dysfunction and disease.  Sauna, in particular, has even been shown to improve quality of life.  It is clear that sweating promotes health and is considered part of preventative care and treatment strategy – so choose your favorite way to do it and get sweaty!

Manage Stress

While stress is inevitable in our modern-day world, it is important to manage this stress in order to have an Elevated Plate!  Stress has been correlated with autoimmune diseases, migraines, obesity, muscle tension, high cholesterol, heart disease hypertension, stroke and other various quality of life issues.  Using a toolbox of mindfulness techniques we can find the one that best suits you and your lifestyle to reduce stress and get you back to a positive place and have the ability to choose an Elevated Plate.


“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”
– Jim Rohn

It is no surprise that who we surround ourselves with is important. Our survival is dependent on our social functioning. One meta-analysis found that low social support was a significant predictor of inflammation in the body. So, the people we surround ourselves with can either elevate or diminish our health. Have you heard of the Blue Zones? There are 5 destinations in the world called Blue Zones, which are places where people live not only the longest, but the healthiest and with minimal chronic diseases. One of the secrets found in these areas is that of finding the right community. Having a social circle that not only supports you but also supports healthy behaviors is key to living and maintaining an Elevated Plate.


Making time for self-care is NOT selfish. This looks different for everyone. One person’s self-care is saying no to an event and taking time to go for a walk in nature instead. Another person’s self-care is making time for their weekly yoga class, no excuses. Loving yourself enough to make time for self-care is imperative and part of stress management here at The Elevated Plate. When you prioritize self-love, it is in alignment with elevating not only your plate, but every other aspect of health in your life.


Waking up with a purpose in your heart every morning is empowering!  And no, this doesn’t mean you have to climb any corporate ladders or start a new company.  A sense of purpose simply means seeing your life as one with meaning, a sense of direction, and goals.  Having a sense of purpose in life is correlated with a lower risk of chronic conditions and premature death.  Additionally, it is associated with a lower risk of becoming inactive, developing sleep problems, and having an unhealthy BMI.  To elevate your health, find your purpose!

Get my top 5 tips for an elevated plate